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Digital Certificates Verifier – RESTful Web Services API

Digital Certificates verifier, RESTful Web services API

[EN] User Manual

“X.509 verifier” is a RESTful Web service that can serve to validate the X.509 certificates and signed PDF files as well as to check compliance of the contents of certificates with the Republic of Serbia legislative.
“X.509 verifier” RESTful Web service consists of 2 REST APIs located on the host:
and the paths of the scripts are:

  1. /x509-verifier.php
  2. /pdf-sgn-verifier.php

REST API: x509-verifier

API version: 1.0

PEM file, whose contents must be an X.509 certificate of version 3, is sent to this API. After checking the certificate, the API returns the result of the verification in the JSON encoded string.

HTTP server request

Host + Path:
Method: POST
Headers (mandatory):
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=RANDOM_STRING_BOUNDARY

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”file”; filename=”file_name.pem”
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”query”


Description of the HTTP server request

RANDOM_STRING_BOUNDARY is a string which needs to have a different and, if possible, a unique value on every new request. For example, in JavaScript, good practice for acquiring RANDOM_STRING_BOUNDARY would be:

var boundary = Math.random().toString().substr(2);

[FILE_BINARY_DATA] is a binary content of the chosen ‘file_name.pem’ file.

[JSON_ENCODED_PARAMETERS] are JSON encoded parameters which have to fulfill the following format:

“operation”: “verify”,
“user_id”: 123,
“security_token”: “”

and the good practice is to this JSON encoded string don’t contains whitespace characters i.e. to be formed, in JavaScript, for example, using the following code:

var params, json;
params= { operation: “verify”, user_id: 123, security_token: “” };
json = JSON.stringify(params);

Parameters are:
“operation”: “verify” – Operation “verify” is the only operation currently supported.
“user_id”: 123 numeric parameter, integer type, represents the user identification number (it is not utilized in API version 1.0 but it is mandatory and reserved for the future use). In API version 1.0 can be 0.
“security_token”: “ – string which should contain pairs of the hexadecimal digits without a so-called delimiter (it is not utilized in API version 1.0 but it is mandatory and reserved for the future use). In API version 1.0 can be an empty string.
Anyway, in JavaScript, it is not necessary to directly manage the Content, i.e. HTTP body. We recommend using the FormData class as an example which you can download from the git repository on the following URL:
There are also examples of how to use cURL support from PHP to send requests to these REST APIs:

HTTP Server Response

After X.509 certificate verification, server will return JSON encoded string which (in API version 1.0) contains 2 arguments:


On invalid request, the server response will be:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json


{“status”:”Error: wrong POST parameters.”,”msg”:””}

If the verification is successful, STATUS_STRING must be:


while the MESSAGE_STRING will contain a validly formatted record, which contains HTML formatting tags, as well as HTML tags for a new line, so this message can be directly placed in any HTML container (eg <div>).

Any response whose STATUS_STRING is different from “OK” is counted as a check whose result is unsuccessful and, in this case, if STATUS_STRING is different from the “Error: wrong POST parameters.”, MESSAGE_STRING will contain details of the certificate scrutiny that should be displayed.

REST API: pdf-sgn-verifier

API version: 1.0

PDF file, whose contents must be signed PDF document, is sent to this API. Signature formats can be “PKCS#7 – Detached” or “CAdES Equivalent”. After checking the signed file, the API returns the result of the verification in the JSON encoded string.

HTTP server request

Host + Path:
Method: POST
Headers (mandatory):
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=RANDOM_STRING_BOUNDARY

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”file”; filename=”file_name.pdf”
Content-Type: application/pdf

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”query”


Description of the HTTP server request

RANDOM_STRING_BOUNDARY is a string which needs to have a different and, if possible, a unique value on every new request. For example, in JavaScript, good practice for acquiring RANDOM_STRING_BOUNDARY would be:

var boundary = Math.random().toString().substr(2);

[FILE_BINARY_DATA] is a binary content of the chosen ‘file_name.pdf’ file.

[JSON_ENCODED_PARAMETERS] are JSON encoded parameters which have to fulfill the following format:

“operation”: “verify”,
“user_id”: 123,
“security_token”: “”

and the good practice is to this JSON encoded string don’t contains whitespace characters i.e. to be formed, in JavaScript, for example, using the following code:

var params, json;
params= { operation: “verify”, user_id: 123, security_token: “” };
json = JSON.stringify(params);

Parameters are:
“operation”: “verify” – Operation “verify” is the only operation currently supported.
“user_id”: 123 numeric parameter, integer type, represents the user identification number (it is not utilized in API version 1.0 but it is mandatory and reserved for the future use). In API version 1.0 can be 0.
“security_token”: “ – string which should contain pairs of the hexadecimal digits without so-called delimiter (it is not utilized in API version 1.0 but it is mandatory and reserved for the future use). In API version 1.0 can be an empty string.
Anyway, in JavaScript, it is not necessary to directly manage the Content, i.e. HTTP body. We recommend using the FormData class as an example which you can download from the git repository on the following URL:
There are also examples of how to use cURL support from PHP to send requests to these REST APIs:

HTTP Server Response

After verification of the PDF file and contains signature, server will return JSON encoded string which (in API version 1.0) contains 2 arguments:


On invalid request, the server response will be:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json


{“status”:”Error: wrong POST parameters.”,”msg”:””}

If the verification is successful, STATUS_STRING must be:

“PDF Signature is VALID”

while the MESSAGE_STRING will contain a validly formatted record, which contains HTML formatting tags, as well as HTML tags for a new line, so this message can be directly placed in any HTML container (eg <div>).

In contrary to the x509-verifier API, here we have responses with STATUS_STRING different from the “PDF Signature is VALID”, which counted as an unsuccessful verification result but in these cases, MESSAGE_STRING doesn’t contain details. These are the cases when:

STATUS_STRING = “Error: PDF was changed after signing!”
STATUS_STRING = “Error: Wrong PDF format (while searching signature data)”
STATUS_STRING = “Info: PDF file doesn’t contain digital signature”
STATUS_STRING = “Error: Wrong PKCS#7 format (missing “to be signed” data)”

The case when it is

STATUS_STRING = “Digital signature validation FAILED”

meaning that is a verification of the PDF file and contains signature entirely completed but the result is unsuccessful. In this case, the MESSAGE_STRING always contain details of the scrutiny that should be displayed. In this case, MESSAGE_STRING will contain a validly formatted record, which contains HTML formatting tags, as well as HTML tags for a new line, so this message can be directly placed in any HTML container (eg <div>).

Appendix: “Restlet Client” – Google Chrome browser extension exported files:

The accompanying part of this manual also includes JSON files that contain profiles for the “Google Chrome” extension “Restlet Client”. These files are x509-verifier.json and pdf-sgn-verifier.json and contain profiles for REST APIs x509-verifier and pdf-sgn-verifier respectively. They can be used after installing “Restlet client” “Google Chrome” extensions.

“Restlet Client” has a known bug which manifests itself by always, on profile loading, change the body form parameter type from “File” to “Text”. The workaround is to switch the changed type back to “File” and then to choose the wanted file.